Sunday, Feb. 12, 2012 |
6-8 pm | Opening Reception and Registration — San Gabriel Room, Pasadena Hilton |
Monday, Feb. 13, 2012 |
9:00 am | Welcome — George Helou (IPAC) |
9:10 am | Overview — Alan Dressler (Carnegie Observatories) |
9:20 am | SDT WFIRST Science (view the presentation)— Paul Schechter (MIT) |
10:00 am | The Wide Field Infrared Survey Telescope (view the presentation)— James Green (Univ. of Colorado) |
10:40 am | Morning Break |
11:10 am | Laboratory Emulation of Observations from Space (view the presentation)— Roger Smith (Caltech) |
11:25 am | Predicting Future Space Slitless Spectra Using the WFC3 Infrared Spectroscopic Parallels (WISP) (view the presentation) — James Colbert (Spitzer Science Center/Caltech) |
11:40 am | The View from NASA Headquarters (view the presentation)— Richard Griffiths |
12:00 pm | Lunch (on own) |
1:30 pm | Reflections (view the presentation)— Adam Riess (Johns Hopkins Univ./STScI) and Brian Schmidt (Australian National Unversity) |
2:00 pm | Dark Energy Theory (view the presentation)— Michael Turner (Univ. of Chicago) |
2:40 pm | Dark Energy Observations (view the presentation) — Joshua Frieman (Univ. of Chicago) |
3:20 pm | Afternoon Break |
3:50 pm | Weak Lensing with WFIRST (view the presentation)— Chris Hirata (Caltech) |
4:15 pm | The Power of the Galaxy Power Spectrum (view the presentation)— Eric Linder (UC Berkeley/LBNL) |
4:40 pm | WISH: The Cosmic Dawn Treader (view the presentation)— Tooru Yamada (Tohoku University) |
4:55 pm | Adjourn |
Tuesday, Feb. 14, 2012 |
9:00 am | Comparison: WFIRST and EUCLID (view the presentation)— Jason Rhodes (JPL) |
9:25 am | Beyond BAO: Redshift-Space Distortions in the WFIRST Galaxy Redshift Survey (view the presentation)
— David Weinberg (Ohio State Univ.) |
10:05 am | Disentangling Cosmological Signatures from Weak Lensing Systematics (view the presentation)— Rachel Bean (Cornell Univ.) |
10:30 am | Morning Break |
11:00 am | Extragalactic Surveys: Overview — Daniel Stern (JPL) |
11:40 am | Probing the Evolution of the Stellar IMF Using SNe (view the presentation) — Ranga Ram Chary (Caltech/IPAC) |
11:55 am | Lunch (on own) |
1:30 pm | Supernovae — Saul Perlmutter (UC Berkeley/LBNL) |
2:00 pm | Galactic Surveys Overview (view the presentation) — Lynne Hillenbrand (Caltech) |
2:40 pm | Infrared Windows on Galactic Structure (view the presentation)— Sean Carey (SSC/IPAC) |
3:05 pm | Afternoon Break |
3:35 pm | Hunting for the Missing Massive Stars in Our Galaxy (view the presentation) — Nicolas Flagey (JPL) |
3:50 pm | Stellar Populations in the Local Volume (view the presentation) — Jason Kalirai (STScI) |
4:15 pm | Detecting Tidal Debris Streams with a Spaceborne Wide-Field Infrared Telescope (view the presentation)— Carl Grillmair (Caltech) |
4:30 pm | Addressing Super Massive Black Hole Assemblage at High-Z (view the presentation)— Pete Roming (SWRI) |
4:45 pm | Discussion — Alan Dressler, moderator (Carnegie Observatories) |
5:15 pm | Adjourn |
Wednesday, Feb. 15, 2012 |
9:00 am | The Astronomical Landscape in 2020 (view the presentation)— Roger Blandford (Stanford University) |
9:35 am | WFIRST Project Science Activities (view the presentation)— Neil Gehrels (GSFC) |
10:00 am | The WFIRST Interim Design Reference Mission:
Capabilities, Constraints, and Open Questions (view the presentation)— Jeffrey Kruk (GSFC) |
10:25 am | Morning Break |
10:55 am | Solar System Science (view the presentation)— Mike Brown (Caltech) |
11:35 am | Space Microlensing (view the presentation)— Scott Gaudi (Ohio State Univ.) |
12:15 pm | Lunch (on own) |
1:45 pm | Implementation of a Space Microlensing Exoplanet Survey (view the presentation)— Dave Bennett (Univ. of Notre Dame) |
2:25 pm | Optimising Future Space-based Infrared Microlensing Exoplanet Surveys (view the presentation)— Eamonn Kerins (Univ. of Manchester) |
2:40 pm | Low-mass Habitable Exoplanets With a Wide-field Infrared Space Telescope (view the presentation)— Eduardo Martin (CSIC-INTA Centro de Astrobiologia) |
2:55 pm | Implications of Space Microlensing Results for Planet Formation Theory (view the presentation)— Christoph Mordasini (MPIA) |
3:20 pm | Afternoon Break |
3:50 pm | Microlensing Measurements with an Undersampled PSF (view the presentation)— Jay Anderson (STScI) |
4:15 pm | Difference Imaging of Undersampled Data (view the presentation)— Michael Albrow (Univ. of Canterbury) |
4:40 pm | EUCLID The Planet Hunter (view the presentation)— JP Beaulieu (IAP) |
5:05 pm | Adjourn |
6:30 pm | Conference Banquet at Porto Alegre Churrascaria restaurant |
Thursday, Feb. 16, 2012 |
| Session Chair — Stephen Kane (NExScI/Caltech) |
9:00 am | Welcome — Michael Albrow (Univ. of Canterbury) and Chas Beichman (NExScI) |
9:10 am | MOA-II 2011 Season (view the presentation)— Takahiro Sumi (Osaka University) |
9:30 am | The MicroFUN 2011 Planet-Hunting Season — Andy Gould (Ohio State Univ.) |
9:50 am | MOA 2010-BLG-477Lb: Constraining the Mass of a Mircolensing Planet (view the presentation)— Pascal Fouque (Toulouse Univ.) |
10:10 am | Microlensing Binaries Discovered Through a High-Magnification Channel (view the presentation)— In-Gu Shin (Chungbuk National Univ.) |
10:30 am | Morning Break |
| Session Chair — Michael Albrow (Unvi. of Canterbury) |
11:00 am | Direct Imaging of Extrasolar Planets (view the presentation)— Bruce MacIntosh (Lawrence Livermore National Lab) |
11:40 am | Microlensing Towards the Galactic Centre with OGLE (view the presentation) — Lukasz Wyrzykowski (Warsaw University Astronomical Observatory) |
12:00 pm | Lunch (on own) |
| Session Chair — Rachel Street (Cornell Univ.) |
1:30 pm | MOA-2011-BLG-262Lb: Free-Floating Planet with an Exomoon or Planetary System with Halo Kinematics — Dave Bennett (Univ. of Notre Dame) |
1:50 pm | Characterising the Information Content of Microlensing Light Curves (view the presentation) — Markus Hundertmark (University of St. Andrews) |
2:10 pm | Patterns of Planet Occurrence Measured by Doppler and Transit Surveys (view the presentation)— Andrew Howard (University of California Berkeley) |
2:50 pm | Automatic Real-time Modeling of Microlensing Events (view the presentation) — Valerio Bozza (Univ. of Salerno) |
3:10 pm | Afternoon Break |
| Session Chair — Ian Bond (Massey Univ.) |
3:40 pm | A Bayesian Algorithm for Real-time Model Selection in Caustic-crossing Events (view the presentation) — Noe Kains (ESO) |
4:00 pm | Planet Abundance from PLANET 2002-07 Observations (view the presentation)— Arnaud Cassan (IAP) |
4:20 pm | Use of the Deep Impact HRI Instrument to Observe Exoplanets Via Microlensing (view the presentation)— Tim Larson (JPL) |
4:40 pm | Microlensing Observations Using the Rosetta Spacecraft (view the presentation)— Colin Snodgrass (Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research) |
5:00 pm | Real-time Microlensing Modeling (view the presentation)— Cheongho Han (Chungbuk National University) |
5:20 pm | Adjourn |
Friday, Feb. 17, 2012 |
| Session Chair — Takahiro Sumi (Osaka Univ.) |
9:00 am | Modeling Gravitational Microlensing Events using Semianalytical Techniques (view the presentation)— Denis Sullivan (Victoria University of Wellington) |
9:20 am | Installation of the OGLE III Camera in Tasmania (view the presentation)— John Greenhill (University of Tasmania) |
9:40 am | Simulation of a Planetary Microlensing Survey by Euclid (view the presentation)— Matthew Penny (Ohio State Univ.) |
10:00 am | Morning Break |
10:30 am | NASA Exoplanet Archive — Stephen Kane (NExScI) |
| Session Chair — Jennifer Yee (Ohio State Univ.) |
10:40 am | Recent Results from The Kepler Mission: Hard Planets are Good to Find (view the presentation)— Jon Jenkins (SETI Institute/NASA Ames Research Center) |
11:20 am | Characterizing Lenses and Lensed Stars of High-Magnification Gravitational Microlensing Events With Lenses Passing Over Source Stars (view the presentation)— Joon-Young Choi (Chungbuk National University) |
11:40 am | Difference Imaging Analysis in Wide-field Surveys (view the presentation)— Ian Bond (Massey University) |
12:00 pm | Lunch (on own) |
| Session Chair — Cheongho Han (Chungbuk National Univ.) |
1:30 pm | Terrestrial Parallax in the Low-mass Event MOA-2011-BLG-274 and a Preliminary Search for Low-mass Objects in the Database of the WISE Space Mission (view the presentation)— Matthew Freeman (University of Auckland) |
1:50 pm | MOA-2011-BLG-293Lb: A Testbed for Pure Survey Microlensing Planet Detections (view the presentation)— Jennifer Yee (Ohio State Univ.) |
2:10 pm | Detection Efficiencies of Low-magnification Events in MOA-II Data (view the presentation)— Daisuke Suzuki (Osaka University) |
2:30 pm | The First Confirmed Microlensing Event in a Globular Cluster (view the presentation)— Pawel Pietrukowicz (Warsaw University Observatory) |
2:50 pm | Critical Curves of a Triple Lens with Fixed Mass Ratios (view the presentation) — Kamil Danek (Charles University) |
3:10 pm | Afternoon Break |
| Session Chair — Keith Horne (SUPA/Univ. of St. Andrews) |
3:40 pm | First Results from the Generation-II OGLE-MOA-Wise Microlensing Survey, 2011 Season (view the presentation)— Yossi Shvartzvald (Tel-Aviv University) |
4:00 pm | M31 Pixel Lensing (view the presentation)— Sebastiano Calchi Novati (University of Salerno) |
4:20 pm | Invitation to 17th International Conference on Gravitational Microlensing — Michael Albrow (Univ. of Canterbury) |
4:30 pm | Adjourn |