Science with a Wide-field Infrared Telescope in Space and
The 16th International Conference on Gravitational Microlensing
February 13-17, 2012, Pasadena, CA

Abstract Submission and Poster Guidelines

Abstracts for both contributed talks and posters should be submitted on the conference registration page. Abstracts must be no longer than 400 words.

We will include both invited and contributed talks in these conferences. Abstracts should be submitted on the conference registration page. If you would like to submit an abstract and have already registered, please email us at and we will send you the waiver code to bypass the registration fee.

To be considered for a contributed talk, the abstract needs to be submitted by Dec. 20, 2011 (extended from Dec. 6), the abstract submission deadline. The SOCs will select contributed talks and notify speakers by Jan. 20, 2012. Those talks not selected will automatically become posters.


Information on poster dimensions will be posted soon.


A separate conference proceedings will not be published however all talks will be published on this website. Please check back shortly after the conference for copies of the talks. -->