
Kepler Project Document: KSCI-19104: Description of the TCERT Vetting Products for Q1-Q17 DR24 Catalog




Kepler Project


Kepler Project Document: KSCI-19104: Description of the TCERT Vetting Products for Q1-Q17 DR24 Catalog


This document describes the Q1-Q17 DR24 TCERT Vetting products - a collection of plots and diagnostics used by the Threshold Crossing Event Review Team (TCERT) to evaluate threshold crossing events (TCEs). While designation of Kepler Objects of Interest (KOIs) and classification of them as Planet Candidates (PCs) or False Positives (FPs) is completely automated via a robotic vetting procedure for the Q1-Q17 DR24 planet catalog described in Coughlin et al. (2015), these products help to evaluate those robotic decisions for individual objects. For each TCE identified in the Q1-Q17 DR24 transit search, these products collect in one readily accessible place: (a) the DV one-page summary, (b) selected pertinent diagnostics and plots from the full DV report, and (c) supplemental plots and diagnostics not included in the full DV report, including an alternate means of data detrending. This document describes each plot in detail, and how it can be used to evaluate the various data sources to determine if a TCE is a PC or FP.

This dataset or service is made available by the NASA Exoplanet Science Institute at IPAC, which is operated by the California Institute of Technology under contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

Data type




Date of data collection

22 Jun 2015

Year of publication