Websites are the primary public-facing sides to any organization, and to the astronomical community, they provide the primary interface for the wide spectrum of research-enabling tasks. Intuitive site navigation, clean graphical design, and effective user experience implementations are all important facets of a successful science website.
IPAC maintains a number of high-visibility websites that connect the astronomical community to key archives, databases, and projects. The IPAC Communications and Education group has created and maintains a wide variety of sites ranging from smaller research projects like ZTF to large missions like LIGO, IPAC, TMT, ngVLA, Spitzer, Herschel, NeoWISE and more.
Expertise includes:
Create your own content, such as pages, news, and events.
Powerful text editor
User accounts with custom access levels
Manage images and videos
Full AVM Image support
Easy to maintain
Responsive apps
Designed for your audience
Modern look
Custom pages
Integration with social media and other third-party apps
Site analytics
Site search functionality