IPAC, located on the Caltech campus, is not under direct threat from local fires at this time, though it is subject to the effects of strong winds and poor air quality. Many members of the IPAC community have been impacted by these events, and IPAC will follow Caltech guidance on closures and safe operations. For more information, visit Caltech’s Emergency Updates page at http://www.caltech.edu/emergency.

Overview: NEID is an astronomical spectrograph designed to detect and measure masses of extrasolar planets using the Doppler technique.

NEID is an astronomical spectrograph designed to detect and measure masses of extrasolar planets using the Doppler technique. The instrument was funded by the NASA-NSF Exoplanet Observational Research (NN-EXPLORE) program to be designed and built by the Pennsylvania State University. The NEID Archive is operated by the NASA Exoplanet Science Institute (NExScI) located at the California Institute of Technology.
Solar data from NEID is served by the Solar Radial Velocity Archive.