
2MASS Survey Point Source Reject Table




2MASS team


2MASS Survey Point Source Reject Table


The 2MASS Survey Point and Extended Source "Reject" Tables (PSRT and XSRT) contain the 843,988,897 point and 943,441 extended source measurements from the Survey WDBs that were not selected for inclusion in the All-Sky Release Catalogs. The characteristics of entries in the Reject Tables differs between scans that were and were not selected for inclusion in the All-Sky Release:

In the 10,981 survey scans that were not selected for the All-Sky Release, the Reject Tables contain all point and extended source extractions. These include reliable detections of real astrophysical sources, spurious extractions of low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) events, image artifacts and transients such as cosmic rays and meteor trails.

In the 59,731 survey scans that were selected for the All-Sky Release, the Reject Tables contain only those extractions from the Survey WDBs that did not satisfy the source selection criteria used to construct the uniform and reliable All-Sky Release Catalogs. These include detections of faint sources and noise events that are below the Catalog flux and SNR thresholds, and spurious detections of image artifacts and transients. The Reject Tables also contain detections of brighter sources in the overlap regions between adjacent tiles that were removed during the Catalog multiple detection resolution process.

This dataset or service is made available by the Infrared Science Archive (IRSA) at IPAC, which is operated by the California Institute of Technology under contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

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Date of data collection

Year of publication