
Dust in Nearby Galaxies with Spitzer (DUSTiNGS)




Boyer, Martha L.; McQuinn, Kristen B. W.; Barmby, Pauline; Bonanos, Alceste Z.; Gehrz, Robert D.; Gordon, Karl D.; Groenewegen, M. A. T.; Lagadec, Eric; Lennon, Daniel; Marengo, Massimo; Meixner, Margaret; Skillman, Evan; Sloan, G. C.; Sonneborn, George; van Loon, Jacco Th.; Zijlstra, Albert


Dust in Nearby Galaxies with Spitzer (DUSTiNGS)


DUSTiNGS consists of a sample of 50 dwarf galaxies within 1.5 Mpc, which have been mapped with IRAC channels 1 and 2 (3.6 and 4.5 microns). The sample consists of 37 dwarf spheroidal, 8 dwarf irregular, and 5 transition-type galaxies.

The DUSTiNGS data release includes images and source catalogs based on uniform Spitzer 3.6 and 4.5 micron observations.

This dataset or service is made available by the Infrared Science Archive (IRSA) at IPAC, which is operated by the California Institute of Technology under contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

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Date of data collection

Year of publication