
SpIES Dual-band Catalog




Timlin, John D.; Ross, Nicholas P.; Richards, Gordon T.; Lacy, Mark; Ryan, Erin L.; Stone, Robert B.; Bauer, Franz E.; Brandt, W. N.; Fan, Xiaohui; Glikman, Eilat; Haggard, Daryl; Jiang, Linhua; LaMassa, Stephanie M.; Lin, Yen-Ting; Makler, Martin; McGehee, Peregrine; Myers, Adam D.; Schneider, Donald P.; Urry, C. Megan; Wollack, Edward J.; Zakamska, Nadia L.


SpIES Dual-band Catalog


The Spitzer IRAC Equatorial Survey (SpIES) is a large-area survey of 115 sq. degrees in the Equatorial SDSS Stripe 82 field. SpIES achieves 5 sigma depths of 6.13 microJy (21.93 AB magnitude) and 5.75 microJy (22.0 AB magnitude) at 3.6 and 4.5 microns, respectively.

The 3.6 micron catalog contains the 6.1 million sources that are only detected at 3.6 microns, the 4.5 micron catalog contains the 6.4 million sources that are only detected at 4.5 microns, and the Dual-band catalog contains the 5.4 million sources that are detected in both bands.

This dataset or service is made available by the Infrared Science Archive (IRSA) at IPAC, which is operated by the California Institute of Technology under contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

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Date of data collection

Year of publication