
GLIMPSE 3D Epoch 2 More Reliable Archive






GLIMPSE 3D Epoch 2 More Reliable Archive


GLIMPSE3D is the third in a series of large area projects to map selected regions of the Galactic plane using the Spitzer Space Telescope Infrared Array Camera (IRAC). GLIMPSEI1 covered the Galactic plane from |l| = 10◦ to 65◦ and |b| < 1◦; GLIMPSEII filled in the inner 20 degrees of the Galactic plane, |l| < 10◦, with vertical extensions up to ±1.5◦ for |l| =5◦to 2◦, and up to ±2◦ from |l| =2◦to 0◦. GLIMPSE3D adds vertical extensions, generally up to |b| < 3◦, but up to |b| < 4.2◦ in the center of the Galaxy. The goal of this coverage is to provide data to study the vertical stellar and interstellar

The GLIMPSE3D More Reliable Archive (GLM3DMRA) consists of the higher reliability point sources than the Archive. It was produced for the single visit epoch 2 only source lists to provide a higher reliability source list than the Archive. No highly reliable Catalog is produced for this dataset since it requires a source be detected twice in one band. The sources in the More Reliable Archive have the same stringent criteria as the Catalog except two detections are not required in a single band. Two detections in adjacent bands are required (the “1” can include the 2MASS Ks band); for example one detection in band 1 and one detection in band 2.

This dataset or service is made available by the Infrared Science Archive (IRSA) at IPAC, which is operated by the California Institute of Technology under contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

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Date of data collection

Year of publication