
First USNO Robotic Astrometric Telescope Catalog




Zacharias, N.; Finch, C.; Subasavage, J.; Bredthauer, G.; Crockett, C.; Divittorio, M.; Ferguson, E.; Harris, F.; Harris, H.; Henden, A.; Kilian, C.; Munn, J.; Rafferty, T.; Rhodes, A.; Schultheiss, M.; Tilleman, T.; Wieder, G.


First USNO Robotic Astrometric Telescope Catalog


URAT is a follow-up project to the successful UCAC project using the same astrograph but with a much larger focal plane array and a bandpass shifted further to the red. Longer integration times and more sensitive, backside CCDs allowed for a substantial increase in limiting magnitude, resulting in about 4-fold increase in the average number of stars per square degree as compared to UCAC. Additional observations with an objective grating largely extend the dynamic range to include observations of stars as bright as about 3rd magnitude. Multiple sky overlaps per year result in a significant improvement in positional precision as compared to UCAC.

This dataset or service is made available by the Infrared Science Archive (IRSA) at IPAC, which is operated by the California Institute of Technology under contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

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Date of data collection

Year of publication