
WISE 3-Band Cryo Single Exposure (L1b) Frame Metadata Table






WISE 3-Band Cryo Single Exposure (L1b) Frame Metadata Table


The WISE 3-Band Cryo Data Release products are comprised of data taken during the mission's 3-Band Cryo survey phase. This phase covers the time following the exhaustion of solid hydrogen in the WISE payload outer cryogen tank, while the detectors and telescope were still cooled by the inner cryogen tank. During this time, WISE's W1, W2 and W3 bands were operational and continued to acquire useful data, but the W4 detector was saturated by thermal emission from the warming telescope. The sensitivity achieved in the W1 and W2 bands was similar to that during the full cryogenic mission phase. The W3 measurement sensitivity was degraded and decreased steadily during the 3-Band Cryo phase because of the increasing telescope temperature and decreasing exposure times. WISE scanned approximately 30% of the sky during the 3-Band Cryo survey phase continuing with the same strategy that was used during the full cryogenic survey.

The following table contains brief descriptions of all metadata information that is relevant to the processing of Single-exposure (level 1) images and the extraction of sources from the corresponding Single-exposure images. The table contains the unique scan ID for a specific scan frame and the reconstructed right ascension and declination of the level 1b frame center. Much of the information in this table is processing-specific, and may not be of interest to general users (e.g. flags indicating whether frames have been processed or not, and the date and time for starting of the pipeline, etc.). The metadata table also contains some characterization and derived statistics of the Single-expsoure image frames, basic photometric parameters used for photometry and derived statistics for extracted sources and artifacts. For example, it contains median pixel values of the coadded sky coverage map, the number of sources with profile-fit photometry Signal-to-Noise (SNR) greater than 3, and the total number of real sources affected by artifacts such as electronic ghosts, etc.

This dataset or service is made available by the Infrared Science Archive (IRSA) at IPAC, which is operated by the California Institute of Technology under contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

Data type



Date of data collection

Year of publication