Title: Senior Applications Developer
Room Number: 340
Office Address: 340 Keith Spalding
Office Phone: 626-395-4392
Mail Code: MC 314-6
Email (@ipac.caltech.edu): nrstickley
Website: http://www.nrstickley.com
Interests: Broadly speaking, my interests include theoretical astrophysics, software engineering, computational science, data science, and teaching / education. My astrophysics interests are primarily in gravitation theory, supermassive black hole formation, and galaxy evolution. In terms of technology, most things related to Linux and the free software ecosystem are of interest to me, as are high-performance computing (hardware and software), big data technologies, and artificial intelligence (artificial neural networks, specifically). I also enjoy photography, gardening, landscape design, and building computers.
Activities: Euclid NASA Science Center at IPAC • Joint Survey Processing