
George Helou

Title: IPAC Executive Director

Room Number: 123

Office Address: 123 Morrisroe Astroscience Lab (IPAC)

Office Phone: 626-395-1900

Mail Code: MC 100-22

Email (@ipac.caltech.edu): gxh

Research Interests: Most recently, interpreting intermediate luminosity infrared-bright transients. And the search for asteroids in sky surveys, especially Near-Earth Asteroids. Less recently, understanding galaxies, in particular how they turn gas and dust into stars, and how the first generation of stars and quasars came about and evolved into today's universe; basic properties and dynamics of galaxies and the underlying physics, and how that drives the demographics of galaxies and quasars and their evolution over cosmic time scales. And a fascination with exoplanets and life in the universe.

Activities: 5mJy Unbiased Spitzer Extragalactic Survey