January 2025 • 2025ApJ...978..115W
The origin of the tight scaling relation between the mass of supermassive black holes (SMBHs; M BH) and their host-galaxy properties remains unclear. Active galactic nuclei (AGNs) probe phases of ongoing SMBH growth and offer the only opportunity to measure M BH beyond the local Universe. However, determining an AGN's host galaxy's stellar velocity dispersion, σ ⋆, and its galaxy dynamical mass, M dyn, is complicated by AGN contamination, aperture effects, and different host-galaxy morphologies. We select a sample of AGNs for which M BH has been independently determined to high accuracy by state-of-the-art techniques: dynamical modeling of the reverberation signal and spatially resolving the broad-line region with the Very Large Telescope Interferometer/GRAVITY. Using integral-field spectroscopic observations, we spatially map the host-galaxy stellar kinematics across the galaxy and bulge effective radii. We find that the dynamically hot component of galaxy disks correlates with M BH; however, the correlations are tightest for aperture-integrated σ ⋆ measured across the bulge. Accounting for the different M BH distributions, we demonstrate—for the first time—that AGNs follow the same M BH–σ ⋆ and M BH–M bulge,dyn relations as quiescent galaxies. We confirm that the classical approach of determining the virial factor as a sample average, yielding