
Spectroscopic Follow-up on Potential Magnetic Cataclysmic Variables

May 2024 • 2024AJ....167..186S

Authors • Szkody, Paula • van Roestel, Jan • Mason, Paul A. • Littlefield, Colin • Rich, R. Michael • Bellm, Eric C. • Romanov, Filipp D. • Healy, Brian F. • Jegou du Laz, Theophile • Laher, Russ R. • Rusholme, Ben

Abstract • Spectroscopic observations of nine cataclysmic variables that have been postulated to contain magnetic white dwarfs were obtained to further characterize their classifications, orbital parameters, inclinations, and/or accretion properties. Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) and Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) data were also used when available. This information enables these systems to be useful in global population and evolution studies of close binaries. Radial velocity curves were constructed for eight of these systems, at various states of accretion. High-state spectra of ZTF0548+53 reveal strong He II emission, large radial velocity amplitudes, as well as cyclotron harmonics yielding a magnetic field strength of 50 MG, confirming this as a polar system. Analysis of TESS data reveals an orbital period of 92.1 minutes. High-state spectra of SDSS0837+38 determine a period of 3.18 hr, removing the ambiguity of periods found during the low state, and showing this is a regular polar and not a pre-polar system. The ZTF light curve of CSS0026+24 shows a total eclipse with a period of 122.9 minutes, and features indicative of two accretion poles. A new, remarkably large spin-to-orbit ratio is found for ZTF1631+69 (0.61), making it, along with 2011+60 (=Romanov V48), likely stream-accreting intermediate polars. ZTF data reveal the presence of ∼2 mag low states in ZTF1631+69, and along with McDonald Observatory 2.1 m and TESS light curves, confirm a grazing eclipse that is deepest at a narrow subset of beat phases. The TESS data on PTF12313+16 also indicate a partial eclipse. Analysis of ZTF data on SDSS1626+33 reveals a period of 3.17 hr and suggests the presence of a partial eclipse.


IPAC Authors

Ben Rusholme

Chief Engineer