Villafaña, Lizvette
Williams, Peter R.
Treu, Tommaso
Brewer, Brendon J.
Barth, Aaron J.
U, Vivian
Bennert, Vardha N.
Alexander Vogler, H.
Guo, Hengxiao
Bentz, Misty C.
Canalizo, Gabriela
Filippenko, Alexei V.
Gates, Elinor
Hamann, Frederick
Joner, Michael D.
Malkan, Matthew A.
Woo, Jong-Hak
Abolfathi, Bela
Abramson, L. E.
Armen, Stephen F.
Bae, Hyun-Jin
Bohn, Thomas
Boizelle, Benjamin D.
Bostroem, K. Azalee
Brandel, Andrew
Brink, Thomas G.
Channa, Sanyum
Cooper, M. C.
Cosens, Maren
Donohue, Edward
Fillingham, Sean P.
González-Buitrago, Diego
Halevi, Goni
Halle, Andrew
Hood, Carol E.
Horne, Keith
Chuck Horst, J.
de Kouchkovsky, Maxime
Kuhn, Benjamin
Kumar, Sahana
Leonard, Douglas C.
Loveland, Donald
Manzano-King, Christina
McHardy, Ian
Michel, Raúl
Olaes, Melanie Kae B.
Park, Daeseong
Park, Songyoun
Pei, Liuyi
Ross, Timothy W.
Runco, Jordan N.
Sánchez, Javier
Scott, Bryan
Sexton, Remington O.
Shin, Jaejin
Shivvers, Isaac
Spencer, Chance L.
Stahl, Benjamin E.
Stegman, Samantha
Stomberg, Isak
Valenti, Stefano
Walsh, Jonelle L.
Yuk, Heechan
Zheng, WeiKang
We have modeled the velocity-resolved reverberation response of the Hβ broad emission line in nine Seyfert 1 galaxies from the Lick Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN) Monitoring Project 2016 sample, drawing inferences on the geometry and structure of the low-ionization broad-line region (BLR) and the mass of the central supermassive black hole. Overall, we find that the Hβ BLR is generally a thick disk viewed at low to moderate inclination angles. We combine our sample with prior studies and investigate line-profile shape dependence, such as ${\mathrm{log}}_{10}(\mathrm{FWHM}/\sigma )$ , on BLR structure and kinematics and search for any BLR luminosity-dependent trends. We find marginal evidence for an anticorrelation between the profile shape of the broad Hβ emission line and the Eddington ratio, when using the rms spectrum. However, we do not find any luminosity-dependent trends, and conclude that AGNs have diverse BLR structure and kinematics, consistent with the hypothesis of transient AGN/BLR conditions rather than systematic trends.