
Euclid preparation. XX. The Complete Calibration of the Color-Redshift Relation survey: LBT observations and data release

August 2022 • 2022A&A...664A.196E

Authors • Euclid Collaboration • Saglia, R. • De Nicola, S. • Fabricius, M. • Guglielmo, V. • Snigula, J. • Zöller, R. • Bender, R. • Heidt, J. • Masters, D. • Stern, D. • Paltani, S. • Amara, A. • Auricchio, N. • Baldi, M. • Bodendorf, C. • Bonino, D. • Branchini, E. • Brescia, M. • Brinchmann, J. • Camera, S. • Capobianco, V. • Carbone, C. • Carretero, J. • Castellano, M. • Cavuoti, S. • Cledassou, R. • Congedo, G. • Conselice, C. J. • Conversi, L. • Copin, Y. • Corcione, L. • Courbin, F. • Cropper, M. • Da Silva, A. • Degaudenzi, H. • Douspis, M. • Dubath, F. • Duncan, C. A. J. • Dupac, X. • Dusini, S. • Farrens, S. • Frailis, M. • Franceschi, E. • Galeotta, S. • Garilli, B. • Gillard, W. • Gillis, B. • Giocoli, C. • Grazian, A. • Grupp, F. • Haugan, S. V. H. • Hoekstra, H. • Holmes, W. • Hormuth, F. • Hornstrup, A. • Jahnke, K. • Kümmel, M. • Kermiche, S. • Kiessling, A. • Kunz, M. • Kurki-Suonio, H. • Laureijs, R. • Ligori, S. • Lilje, P. B. • Lloro, I. • Maiorano, E. • Marggraf, O. • Markovic, K. • Marulli, F. • Massey, R. • McCracken, H. J. • Melchior, M. • Meylan, G. • Moresco, M. • Moscardini, L. • Munari, E. • Niemi, S. M. • Padilla, C. • Pasian, F. • Pedersen, K. • Percival, W. J. • Pettorino, V. • Pires, S. • Poncet, M. • Popa, L. • Pozzetti, L. • Raison, F. • Renzi, A. • Rhodes, J. • Riccio, G. • Romelli, E. • Rossetti, E. • Sapone, D. • Sartoris, B. • Schneider, P. • Secroun, A. • Seidel, G. • Sirignano, C. • Sirri, G. • Stanco, L. • Tallada-Crespí, P. • Tavagnacco, D. • Taylor, A. N. • Tereno, I. • Toledo-Moreo, R. • Torradeflot, F. • Tutusaus, I. • Valentijn, E. A. • Valenziano, L. • Vassallo, T. • Wang, Y. • Zacchei, A. • Zamorani, G. • Zoubian, J. • Andreon, S. • Bardelli, S. • Graciá-Carpio, J. • Maino, D. • Mauri, N. • Tramacere, A. • Zucca, E. • Alvarez Ayllon, A. • Aussel, H. • Baccigalupi, C. • Balaguera-Antolínez, A. • Ballardini, M. • Biviano, A. • Bolzonella, M. • Bozzo, E. • Burigana, C. • Cabanac, R. • Cappi, A. • Carvalho, C. S. • Casas, S. • Castignani, G. • Cooray, A. • Coupon, J. • Courtois, H. M. • Davini, S. • Desprez, G. • Dole, H. • Escartin, J. A. • Escoffier, S. • Farina, M. • Fotopoulou, S. • Ganga, K. • Garcia-Bellido, J. • George, K. • Giacomini, F. • Gozaliasl, G. • Hildebrandt, H. • Hook, I. • Ilbert, O. • Kansal, V. • Kashlinsky, A. • Keihanen, E. • Kirkpatrick, C. C. • Loureiro, A. • Macías-Pérez, J. • Magliocchetti, M. • Mainetti, G. • Maoli, R. • Martinelli, M. • Martinet, N. • Metcalf, R. B. • Morgante, G. • Nadathur, S. • Nucita, A. A. • Patrizii, L. • Popa, V. • Porciani, C. • Potter, D. • Pourtsidou, A. • Reimberg, P. • Sánchez, A. G. • Sakr, Z. • Schirmer, M. • Sefusatti, E. • Sereno, M. • Stadel, J. • Teyssier, R. • Valieri, C. • Valiviita, J. • Veropalumbo, A. • Viel, M.

Abstract • The Complete Calibration of the Color-Redshift Relation survey (C3R2) is a spectroscopic program designed to empirically calibrate the galaxy color-redshift relation to the Euclid depth (IE = 24.5), a key ingredient for the success of Stage IV dark energy projects based on weak lensing cosmology. A spectroscopic calibration sample that is as representative as possible of the galaxies in the Euclid weak lensing sample is being collected, selecting galaxies from a self-organizing map (SOM) representation of the galaxy color space. Here, we present the results of a near-infrared H- and K-band spectroscopic campaign carried out using the LUCI instruments at the LBT. For a total of 251 galaxies, we present new highly reliable redshifts in the 1.3 ≤ z ≤ 1.7 and 2 ≤ z ≤ 2.7 ranges. The newly-determined redshifts populate 49 SOM cells that previously contained no spectroscopic measurements and almost twice the occupation numbers of an additional 153 SOM cells. A final optical ground-based observational effort is needed to calibrate the missing cells, in particular in the redshift range 1.7 ≤ z ≤ 2.7, which lack spectroscopic calibration. In the end, Euclid itself will deliver telluric-free near-IR spectra that can complete the calibration.

The LBT is an international collaboration among institutions in the United States, Italy, and Germany. The LBT Corporation partners are: LBT Beteiligungsgesellschaft, Germany, representing the Max-Planck Society, the Astrophysical Institute Potsdam, and Heidelberg University; The University of Arizona on behalf of the Arizona university system; Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica, Italy; The Ohio State University, and The Research Corporation, on behalf of The University of Notre Dame, University of Minnesota, and University of Virginia.


IPAC Authors


Yun Wang

Senior Scientist