
The Grism Lens-Amplified Survey from Space (GLASS). XI. Detection of C IV in Multiple Images of the z = 6.11 Lyα Emitter behind RXC J2248.7-4431

April 2017 • 2017ApJ...839...17S

Authors • Schmidt, K. B. • Huang, K. -H. • Treu, T. • Hoag, A. • Bradač, M. • Henry, A. L. • Jones, T. A. • Mason, C. • Malkan, M. • Morishita, T. • Pentericci, L. • Trenti, M. • Vulcani, B. • Wang, X.

Abstract • The C III] and C IV rest-frame UV emission lines are powerful probes of the ionization states of galaxies. They have furthermore been suggested as alternatives for spectroscopic redshift confirmation of objects at the epoch of reionization (z> 6), where the most frequently used redshift indicator, Lyα, is attenuated by the high fraction of neutral hydrogen in the intergalactic medium. However, currently only very few confirmations of carbon UV lines at these high redshifts exist, making it challenging to quantify these claims. Here, we present the detection of C IV λλ1548, 1551 Å in Hubble Space Telescope slitless grism spectroscopy obtained by GLASS of a Lyα emitter at z = 6.11 multiply imaged by the massive foreground galaxy cluster RXC J2248.7-4431. The C IV emission is detected at the 3σ-5σ level in two images of the source, with marginal detection in two other images. We do not detect significant C III]λλ1907, 1909 Å emission implying an equivalent width {{EW}}{{C}{{III}}]}< 20 Å (1σ) and {{C}} {{IV}}/{{C}} {{III}}> 0.7 (2σ). Combined with limits on the rest-frame UV flux from the He II λ1640 Å emission line and the O III]λλ1661, 1666 Å doublet, we put constraints on the metallicity and the ionization state of the galaxy. The estimated line ratios and equivalent widths do not support a scenario where an AGN is responsible for ionizing the carbon atoms. SED fits, including nebular emission lines, imply a source with a mass of log(M/M ) ∼ 9, SFR of around 10 M yr-1, and a young stellar population < 50 {Myr} old. The source shows a stronger ionizing radiation field than objects with detected C IV emission at z< 2 and adds to the growing sample of low-mass (log(M/M ) ≲ 9) galaxies at the epoch of reionization with strong radiation fields from star formation.


IPAC Authors


Takahiro Morishita

Assistant Scientist