
KELT-16b: A Highly Irradiated, Ultra-short Period Hot Jupiter Nearing Tidal Disruption

March 2017 • 2017AJ....153...97O

Authors • Oberst, Thomas E. • Rodriguez, Joseph E. • Colón, Knicole D. • Angerhausen, Daniel • Bieryla, Allyson • Ngo, Henry • Stevens, Daniel J. • Stassun, Keivan G. • Gaudi, B. Scott • Pepper, Joshua • Penev, Kaloyan • Mawet, Dimitri • Latham, David W. • Heintz, Tyler M. • Osei, Baffour W. • Collins, Karen A. • Kielkopf, John F. • Visgaitis, Tiffany • Reed, Phillip A. • Escamilla, Alejandra • Yazdi, Sormeh • McLeod, Kim K. • Lunsford, Leanne T. • Spencer, Michelle • Joner, Michael D. • Gregorio, Joao • Gaillard, Clement • Matt, Kyle • Dumont, Mary Thea • Stephens, Denise C. • Cohen, David H. • Jensen, Eric L. N. • Calchi Novati, Sebastiano • Bozza, Valerio • Labadie-Bartz, Jonathan • Siverd, Robert J. • Lund, Michael B. • Beatty, Thomas G. • Eastman, Jason D. • Penny, Matthew T. • Manner, Mark • Zambelli, Roberto • Fulton, Benjamin J. • Stockdale, Christopher • DePoy, D. L. • Marshall, Jennifer L. • Pogge, Richard W. • Gould, Andrew • Trueblood, Mark • Trueblood, Patricia

Abstract • We announce the discovery of KELT-16b, a highly irradiated, ultra-short period hot Jupiter transiting the relatively bright (V = 11.7) star TYC 2688-1839-1/KELT-16. A global analysis of the system shows KELT-16 to be an F7V star with {T}{eff}=6236+/- 54 K, {log}{g}\star ={4.253}-0.036+0.031, [{Fe}/{{H}}]=-{0.002}-0.085+0.086, {M}\star ={1.211}-0.046+0.043 {M}, and {R}\star ={1.360}-0.053+0.064{R}. The planet is a relatively high-mass inflated gas giant with {M}{{P}}={2.75}-0.15+0.16{M}{{J}}, {R}{{P}}={1.415}-0.067+0.084{R}{{J}}, density {ρ }{{P}}=1.20+/- 0.18 g cm-3, surface gravity {log} {g}{{P}}={3.530}-0.049+0.042, and {T}{eq}={2453}-47+55 K. The best-fitting linear ephemeris is {T}{{C}}=2457247.24791+/- 0.00019 {{BJD}}{TDB} and P=0.9689951+/- 0.0000024 day. KELT-16b joins WASP-18b, -19b, -43b, -103b, and HATS-18b as the only giant transiting planets with P < 1 day. Its ultra-short period and high irradiation make it a benchmark target for atmospheric studies by the Hubble Space Telescope, Spitzer, and eventually the James Webb Space Telescope. For example, as a hotter, higher-mass analog of WASP-43b, KELT-16b may feature an atmospheric temperature-pressure inversion and day-to-night temperature swing extreme enough for TiO to rain out at the terminator. KELT-16b could also join WASP-43b in extending tests of the observed mass-metallicity relation of the solar system gas giants to higher masses. KELT-16b currently orbits at a mere ∼1.7 Roche radii from its host star, and could be tidally disrupted in as little as a few ×105 years (for a stellar tidal quality factor of {Q}* \prime ={10}5). Finally, the likely existence of a widely separated bound stellar companion in the KELT-16 system makes it possible that Kozai-Lidov (KL) oscillations played a role in driving KELT-16b inward to its current precarious orbit.


IPAC Authors


Sebastiano Calchi Novati

Associate Scientist


Benjamin Fulton

Assistant Scientist