
Observing Outer Planet Satellites (Except Titan) with the James Webb Space Telescope: Science Justification and Observational Requirements

January 2016 • 2016PASP..128a8006K

Authors • Keszthelyi, Laszlo • Grundy, Will • Stansberry, John • Sivaramakrishnan, Anand • Thatte, Deepashri • Gudipati, Murthy • Tsang, Constantine • Greenbaum, Alexandra • McGruder, Chima

Abstract • The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) will allow observations with a unique combination of spectral, spatial, and temporal resolution for the study of outer planet satellites within our Solar System. We highlight the infrared spectroscopy of icy moons and temporal changes on geologically active satellites as two particularly valuable avenues of scientific inquiry. While some care must be taken to avoid saturation issues, JWST has observation modes that should provide excellent infrared data for such studies.


IPAC Authors

Alexandra Greenbaum

Assistant Scientist