
A Super-Jupiter Orbiting a Late-type Star: A Refined Analysis of Microlensing Event OGLE-2012-BLG-0406

February 2014 • 2014ApJ...782...48T

Authors • Tsapras, Y. • Choi, J. -Y. • Street, R. A. • Han, C. • Bozza, V. • Gould, A. • Dominik, M. • Beaulieu, J. -P. • Udalski, A. • Jørgensen, U. G. • Sumi, T. • Bramich, D. M. • Browne, P. • Horne, K. • Hundertmark, M. • Ipatov, S. • Kains, N. • Snodgrass, C. • Steele, I. A. • RoboNet Collaboration • Alsubai, K. A. • Andersen, J. M. • Calchi Novati, S. • Damerdji, Y. • Diehl, C. • Elyiv, A. • Giannini, E. • Hardis, S. • Harpsøe, K. • Hinse, T. C. • Juncher, D. • Kerins, E. • Korhonen, H. • Liebig, C. • Mancini, L. • Mathiasen, M. • Penny, M. T. • Rabus, M. • Rahvar, S. • Scarpetta, G. • Skottfelt, J. • Southworth, J. • Surdej, J. • Tregloan-Reed, J. • Vilela, C. • Wambsganss, J. • MiNDSTEp Collaboration • Skowron, J. • Poleski, R. • Kozłowski, S. • Wyrzykowski, Ł. • Szymański, M. K. • Kubiak, M. • Pietrukowicz, P. • Pietrzyński, G. • Soszyński, I. • Ulaczyk, K. • OGLE Collaboration • Albrow, M. D. • Bachelet, E. • Barry, R. • Batista, V. • Bhattacharya, A. • Brillant, S. • Caldwell, J. A. R. • Cassan, A. • Cole, A. • Corrales, E. • Coutures, Ch. • Dieters, S. • Dominis Prester, D. • Donatowicz, J. • Fouqué, P. • Greenhill, J. • Kane, S. R. • Kubas, D. • Marquette, J. -B. • Menzies, J. • Père, C. • Pollard, K. R. • Zub, M. • PLANET Collaboration • Christie, G. • DePoy, D. L. • Dong, S. • Drummond, J. • Gaudi, B. S. • Henderson, C. B. • Hwang, K. H. • Jung, Y. K. • Kavka, A. • Koo, J. -R. • Lee, C. -U. • Maoz, D. • Monard, L. A. G. • Natusch, T. • Ngan, H. • Park, H. • Pogge, R. W. • Porritt, I. • Shin, I. -G. • Shvartzvald, Y. • Tan, T. G. • Yee, J. C. • μFUN Collaboration • Abe, F. • Bennett, D. P. • Bond, I. A. • Botzler, C. S. • Freeman, M. • Fukui, A. • Fukunaga, D. • Itow, Y. • Koshimoto, N. • Ling, C. H. • Masuda, K. • Matsubara, Y. • Muraki, Y. • Namba, S. • Ohnishi, K. • Rattenbury, N. J. • Saito, To. • Sullivan, D. J. • Sweatman, W. L. • Suzuki, D. • Tristram, P. J. • Tsurumi, N. • Wada, K. • Yamai, N. • Yock, P. C. M. • Yonehara, A. • MOA Collaboration

Abstract • We present a detailed analysis of survey and follow-up observations of microlensing event OGLE-2012-BLG-0406 based on data obtained from 10 different observatories. Intensive coverage of the light curve, especially the perturbation part, allowed us to accurately measure the parallax effect and lens orbital motion. Combining our measurement of the lens parallax with the angular Einstein radius determined from finite-source effects, we estimate the physical parameters of the lens system. We find that the event was caused by a 2.73 ± 0.43 M J planet orbiting a 0.44 ± 0.07 M early M-type star. The distance to the lens is 4.97 ± 0.29 kpc and the projected separation between the host star and its planet at the time of the event is 3.45 ± 0.26 AU. We find that the additional coverage provided by follow-up observations, especially during the planetary perturbation, leads to a more accurate determination of the physical parameters of the lens.


IPAC Authors


Etienne Bachelet

Associate Research Scientist


Sebastiano Calchi Novati

Associate Scientist