
An X-Ray Survey of the Young Stellar Population of the Lynds 1641 and Iota Orionis Regions

May 2013 • 2013ApJ...768...99P

Authors • Pillitteri, I. • Wolk, S. J. • Megeath, S. T. • Allen, L. • Bally, J. • Gagné, M. • Gutermuth, R. A. • Hartmann, L. • Micela, G. • Myers, P. • Oliveira, J. M. • Sciortino, S. • Walter, F. • Rebull, L. • Stauffer, J.

Abstract • We present an XMM-Newton survey of the part of the Orion A cloud south of the Orion Nebula. This survey includes the Lynds 1641 (L1641) dark cloud, a region of the Orion A cloud with very few massive stars and hence a relatively low ambient UV flux, and the region around the O9 III star ι Orionis. In addition to proprietary data, we used archival XMM data of the Orion Nebula Cluster (ONC) to extend our analysis to a major fraction of the Orion A cloud. We have detected 1060 X-ray sources in L1641 and the ι Ori region. About 94% of the sources have Two Micron All Sky Survey and Spitzer counterparts, 204 and 23 being Class II and Class I or protostar objects, respectively. In addition, we have identified 489 X-ray sources as counterparts to Class III candidates, given they are bright in X-rays and appear as normal photospheres at mid-IR wavelengths. The remaining 205 X-ray sources are likely distant active galactic nuclei or other galactic sources not related to Orion A. We find that Class III candidates appear more concentrated in two main clusters in L1641. The first cluster of Class III stars is found toward the northern part of L1641, concentrated around ι Ori. The stars in this cluster are more evolved than those in the Orion Nebula. We estimate a distance of 300-320 pc for this cluster showing that it is in the foreground of the Orion A cloud. Another cluster rich in Class III stars is located in L1641 South and appears to be a slightly older cluster embedded in the Orion A cloud. Furthermore, other evolved Class III stars are found north of the ONC toward NGC 1977.


IPAC Authors


Luisa Rebull

Senior Research Scientist