
Insights on the Formation, Evolution, and Activity of Massive Galaxies from Ultracompact and Disky Galaxies at z = 2-3

December 2011 • 2011ApJ...743...87W

Authors • Weinzirl, Tim • Jogee, Shardha • Conselice, Christopher J. • Papovich, Casey • Chary, Ranga-Ram • Bluck, Asa • Grützbauch, Ruth • Buitrago, Fernando • Mobasher, Bahram • Lucas, Ray A. • Dickinson, Mark • Bauer, Amanda E.

Abstract • We present our results on the structure and activity of massive galaxies at z = 1-3 using one of the largest (166 with M sstarf >= 5 × 1010 M ) and most diverse samples of massive galaxies derived from the GOODS-NICMOS survey: (1) Sérsic fits to deep NIC3 F160W images indicate that the rest-frame optical structures of massive galaxies are very different at z = 2-3 compared to z ~ 0. Approximately 40% of massive galaxies are ultracompact (re <= 2 kpc), compared to less than 1% at z ~ 0. Furthermore, most (~65%) systems at z = 2-3 have a low Sérsic index n <= 2, compared to ~13% at z ~ 0. We present evidence that the n <= 2 systems at z = 2-3 likely contain prominent disks, unlike most massive z ~ 0 systems. (2) There is a correlation between structure and star formation rates (SFRs). The majority (~85%) of non-active galactic nucleus (AGN) massive galaxies at z = 2-3, with SFR high enough to yield a 5σ (30 μJy) 24 μm Spitzer detection, have low n <= 2. Such n <= 2 systems host the highest SFR. (3) The frequency of AGNs is ~40% at z = 2-3. Most (~65%) AGN hosts have disky (n <= 2) morphologies. Ultracompact galaxies appear quiescent in terms of both AGN activity and star formation. (4) Large stellar surface densities imply massive galaxies at z = 2-3 formed via rapid, highly dissipative events at z > 2. The large fraction of n <= 2 disky systems suggests cold mode accretion complements gas-rich major mergers at z > 2. In order for massive galaxies at z = 2-3 to evolve into present-day massive E/S0s, they need to significantly increase (n, re ). Dry minor and major mergers may play an important role in this process.


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