
Predicting the Detectability of Oscillations in Solar-type Stars Observed by Kepler

May 2011 • 2011ApJ...732...54C

Authors • Chaplin, W. J. • Kjeldsen, H. • Bedding, T. R. • Christensen-Dalsgaard, J. • Gilliland, R. L. • Kawaler, S. D. • Appourchaux, T. • Elsworth, Y. • García, R. A. • Houdek, G. • Karoff, C. • Metcalfe, T. S. • Molenda-Żakowicz, J. • Monteiro, M. J. P. F. G. • Thompson, M. J. • Verner, G. A. • Batalha, N. • Borucki, W. J. • Brown, T. M. • Bryson, S. T. • Christiansen, J. L. • Clarke, B. D. • Jenkins, J. M. • Klaus, T. C. • Koch, D. • An, D. • Ballot, J. • Basu, S. • Benomar, O. • Bonanno, A. • Broomhall, A. -M. • Campante, T. L. • Corsaro, E. • Creevey, O. L. • Esch, L. • Gai, N. • Gaulme, P. • Hale, S. J. • Handberg, R. • Hekker, S. • Huber, D. • Mathur, S. • Mosser, B. • New, R. • Pinsonneault, M. H. • Pricopi, D. • Quirion, P. -O. • Régulo, C. • Roxburgh, I. W. • Salabert, D. • Stello, D. • Suran, M. D.

Abstract • Asteroseismology of solar-type stars has an important part to play in the exoplanet program of the NASA Kepler Mission. Precise and accurate inferences on the stellar properties that are made possible by the seismic data allow very tight constraints to be placed on the exoplanetary systems. Here, we outline how to make an estimate of the detectability of solar-like oscillations in any given Kepler target, using rough estimates of the temperature and radius, and the Kepler apparent magnitude.


IPAC Authors


Jessie Christiansen

Associate Scientist