
Planck early results. XII. Cluster Sunyaev-Zeldovich optical scaling relations

December 2011 • 2011A&A...536A..12P

Authors • Planck Collaboration • Aghanim, N. • Arnaud, M. • Ashdown, M. • Aumont, J. • Baccigalupi, C. • Balbi, A. • Banday, A. J. • Barreiro, R. B. • Bartelmann, M. • Bartlett, J. G. • Battaner, E. • Benabed, K. • Benoît, A. • Bernard, J. -P. • Bersanelli, M. • Bhatia, R. • Bock, J. J. • Bonaldi, A. • Bond, J. R. • Borrill, J. • Bouchet, F. R. • Brown, M. L. • Bucher, M. • Burigana, C. • Cabella, P. • Cardoso, J. -F. • Catalano, A. • Cayón, L. • Challinor, A. • Chamballu, A. • Chiang, L. -Y. • Chiang, C. • Chon, G. • Christensen, P. R. • Churazov, E. • Clements, D. L. • Colafrancesco, S. • Colombi, S. • Couchot, F. • Coulais, A. • Crill, B. P. • Cuttaia, F. • da Silva, A. • Dahle, H. • Danese, L. • Davis, R. J. • de Bernardis, P. • de Gasperis, G. • de Rosa, A. • de Zotti, G. • Delabrouille, J. • Delouis, J. -M. • Désert, F. -X. • Diego, J. M. • Dolag, K. • Donzelli, S. • Doré, O. • Dörl, U. • Douspis, M. • Dupac, X. • Efstathiou, G. • Enßlin, T. A. • Finelli, F. • Flores-Cacho, I. • Forni, O. • Frailis, M. • Franceschi, E. • Fromenteau, S. • Galeotta, S. • Ganga, K. • Génova-Santos, R. T. • Giard, M. • Giardino, G. • Giraud-Héraud, Y. • González-Nuevo, J. • Górski, K. M. • Gratton, S. • Gregorio, A. • Gruppuso, A. • Harrison, D. • Henrot-Versillé, S. • Hernández-Monteagudo, C. • Herranz, D. • Hildebrandt, S. R. • Hivon, E. • Hobson, M. • Holmes, W. A. • Hovest, W. • Hoyland, R. J. • Huffenberger, K. M. • Jaffe, A. H. • Jones, W. C. • Juvela, M. • Keihänen, E. • Keskitalo, R. • Kisner, T. S. • Kneissl, R. • Knox, L. • Kurki-Suonio, H. • Lagache, G. • Lamarre, J. -M. • Lasenby, A. • Laureijs, R. J. • Lawrence, C. R. • Leach, S. • Leonardi, R. • Linden-Vørnle, M. • López-Caniego, M. • Lubin, P. M. • Macías-Pérez, J. F. • MacTavish, C. J. • Maffei, B. • Maino, D. • Mandolesi, N. • Mann, R. • Maris, M. • Marleau, F. • Martínez-González, E. • Masi, S. • Matarrese, S. • Matthai, F. • Mazzotta, P. • Mei, S. • Melchiorri, A. • Melin, J. -B. • Mendes, L. • Mennella, A. • Mitra, S. • Miville-Deschênes, M. -A. • Moneti, A. • Montier, L. • Morgante, G. • Mortlock, D. • Munshi, D. • Murphy, A. • Naselsky, P. • Natoli, P. • Netterfield, C. B. • Nørgaard-Nielsen, H. U. • Noviello, F. • Novikov, D. • Novikov, I. • O'Dwyer, I. J. • Osborne, S. • Pajot, F. • Pasian, F. • Patanchon, G. • Perdereau, O. • Perotto, L. • Perrotta, F. • Piacentini, F. • Piat, M. • Pierpaoli, E. • Piffaretti, R. • Plaszczynski, S. • Pointecouteau, E. • Polenta, G. • Ponthieu, N. • Poutanen, T. • Pratt, G. W. • Prézeau, G. • Prunet, S. • Puget, J. -L. • Rebolo, R. • Reinecke, M. • Renault, C. • Ricciardi, S. • Riller, T. • Ristorcelli, I. • Rocha, G. • Rosset, C. • Rubiño-Martín, J. A. • Rusholme, B. • Sandri, M. • Savini, G. • Schaefer, B. M. • Scott, D. • Seiffert, M. D. • Shellard, P. • Smoot, G. F. • Starck, J. -L. • Stivoli, F. • Stolyarov, V. • Sudiwala, R. • Sunyaev, R. • Sygnet, J. -F. • Tauber, J. A. • Terenzi, L. • Toffolatti, L. • Tomasi, M. • Torre, J. -P. • Tristram, M. • Tuovinen, J. • Valenziano, L. • Vibert, L. • Vielva, P. • Villa, F. • Vittorio, N. • Wandelt, B. D. • White, S. D. M. • White, M. • Yvon, D. • Zacchei, A. • Zonca, A.

Abstract • We present the Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) signal-to-richness scaling relation (Y500 - N200) for the MaxBCG cluster catalogue. Employing a multi-frequency matched filter on the Planck sky maps, we measure the SZ signal for each cluster by adapting the filter according to weak-lensing calibrated mass-richness relations (N200 - M500). We bin our individual measurements and detect the SZ signal down to the lowest richness systems (N200 = 10) with high significance, achieving a detection of the SZ signal in systems with mass as low as M500 ≈ 5 × 1013 M. The observed Y500 - N200 relation is well modeled by a power law over the full richness range. It has a lower normalisation at given N200 than predicted based on X-ray models and published mass-richness relations. An X-ray subsample, however, does conform to the predicted scaling, and model predictions do reproduce the relation between our measured bin-average SZ signal and measured bin-average X-ray luminosities. At fixed richness, we find an intrinsic dispersion in the Y500 - N200 relation of 60% rising to of order 100% at low richness. Thanks to its all-sky coverage, Planck provides observations for more than 13000 MaxBCG clusters and an unprecedented SZ/optical data set, extending the list of known cluster scaling laws to include SZ-optical properties. The data set offers essential clues for models of galaxy formation. Moreover, the lower normalisation of the SZ-mass relation implied by the observed SZ-richness scaling has important consequences for cluster physics and cosmological studies with SZ clusters.

Corresponding author: J. G. Bartlett, e-mail:


IPAC Authors

Ben Rusholme

Chief Engineer