
Atomic transition probabilities of Ce I from Fourier transform spectra

April 2010 • 2010JPhB...43h5701L

Authors • Lawler, J. E. • Chisholm, J. • Nitz, D. E. • Wood, M. P. • Sobeck, J. • Den Hartog, E. A.

Abstract • Atomic transition probabilities for 2874 lines of the first spectrum of cerium (Ce I) are reported. These data are from new branching fraction measurements on Fourier transform spectra normalized with previously reported radiative lifetimes from time-resolved laser-induced-fluorescence measurements (Den Hartog et al 2009 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 42 085006). The wavelength range of the data set is from 360 to 1500 nm. Comparisons are made to previous investigations which are less extensive. Accurate Ce i transition probabilities are needed for lighting research and development on metal halide high-intensity discharge lamps.


IPAC Authors

Jennifer Sobeck

Associate Scientist