
The Infrared Array Camera Dark Field: Far-Infrared to X-ray Data

November 2009 • 2009ApJS..185...85K

Authors • Krick, J. E. • Surace, J. A. • Thompson, D. • Ashby, M. L. N. • Hora, J. • Gorjian, V. • Yan, L. • Frayer, D. T. • Egami, E. • Lacy, M.

Abstract • We present 20 band photometry from the far-IR to X-ray in the Spitzer Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) dark field. The bias for the near-IR camera on Spitzer is calibrated by observing a ~20' diameter "dark" field near the north ecliptic pole roughly every two-to-three weeks throughout the mission duration of Spitzer. The field is unique for its extreme depth, low background, high quality imaging, time-series information, and accompanying photometry including data taken with Akari, Palomar, MMT, KPNO, Hubble, and Chandra. This serendipitous survey contains the deepest mid-IR data taken to date. This data set is well suited for studies of intermediate-redshift galaxy clusters, high-redshift galaxies, the first generation of stars, and the lowest mass brown dwarfs, among others. This paper provides a summary of the data characteristics and catalog generation from all bands collected to date as well as a discussion of photometric redshifts and initial and expected science results and goals. To illustrate the scientific potential of this unique data set, we also present here IRAC color-color diagrams.


IPAC Authors


Jessica Krick

Associate Scientist