
Erratum: "The Contribution of AGN and Star-Forming Galaxies to the Mid-Infrared as Revealed by their Spectral Energy Distributions" (2008, ApJ, 684, 136)

August 2009 • 2009ApJ...701..850G

Authors • Gruppioni, C. • Pozzi, F. • Polletta, M. • Zamorani, G. • La Franca, F. • Sacchi, N. • Comastri, A. • Pozzetti, L. • Vignali, C. • Lonsdale, C. • Rowan-Robinson, M. • Surace, J. • Shupe, D. • Fang, F. • Matute, I. • Berta, S.

Abstract • As a result of an error in the spectral energy distribution (SED) integration procedure, the total IR luminosities reported in Table 1 are incorrect. The corrected Table 1 is appended below. All the other data within the table are unchanged.

The total IR luminosity change does not affect any of the conclusions of the paper, except for the few lines commenting on the IR luminosities for the different SED classes (end of Section 4, page 148), that should now be replaced with the following.

Most of the starburst galaxies and some of the type 2 AGNs are in the LIG luminosity range (1011 L sun < L IR < 1012 L sun), with the remainder of these two classes and the majority of the normal galaxies having L IR < 1011 L sun. Almost all the type 1 and composite AGNs are in the LIG or ULIG range (1012 < L IR < 1013 L sun), with few of them even in the Hyper-LIG (HyLIG) range (L IR > 1013 L sun).


IPAC Authors

Dave Shupe

Senior Scientist