February 2009 • 2009ApJ...692..309E
Abstract • We present spatially resolved near-IR spectroscopic observations of 15 young stars. Using a grism spectrometer behind the Keck interferometer, we obtained an angular resolution of a few milliarcseconds and a spectral resolution of 230, enabling probes of both gas and dust in the inner disks surrounding the target stars. We find that the angular size of the near-IR emission typically increases with wavelength, indicating hot, presumably gaseous material within the dust sublimation radius. Our data also clearly indicate BrĪ³ emission arising from hot hydrogen gas, and suggest the presence of water vapor and carbon monoxide gas in the inner disks of several objects. This gaseous emission is more compact than the dust continuum emission in all cases. We construct simple physical models of the inner disk and fit them to our data to constrain the spatial distribution and temperature of dust and gas emission components.