March 2008 • 2008PASP..120..328L
Abstract • The spectral energy distribution (SED) mode of the Multiband Imaging Photometer for Spitzer (MIPS) aboard the Spitzer Space Telescope provides low-spectral resolution (R ≈ 15-25) spectroscopy in the far-infrared using the MIPS 70 μm detector. A reflective grating provides a dispersion of 1.7 μm per pixel, and an effective wavelength coverage of 52.8-98.7 μm over detector rows 1-27. The final 5 detector rows are contaminated by second-order diffracted light and are left uncalibrated. The flux calibration is based on observations of MIPS calibration stars with 70 μm flux densities of 0.5-15 Jy. The point-source flux calibration accuracy is estimated to be 10% or better down to about 0.5 Jy at the blue end of the spectrum and to ∼2 Jy near the red end. With additional uncertainties from the illumination and aperture corrections included, the surface brightness calibration of extended sources is accurate to ∼15%. Repeatability of better than 5% is found for the SED mode through multiple measurements of several calibration stars.