
IR and UV Galaxies at z = 0.6: Evolution of Dust Attenuation and Stellar Mass as Revealed by SWIRE and GALEX

December 2007 • 2007ApJS..173..432X

Authors • Xu, C. Kevin • Shupe, David • Buat, Veronique • Rowan-Robinson, Michael • Babbedge, Thomas • Iglesias-Páramo, Jorge • Takeuchi, Tsutomu T. • Barlow, Tom A. • Conrow, Tim • Fang, Fan • Forster, Karl • Friedman, Peter G. • Gonzales-Solares, Eduardo • Lonsdale, Carol • Martin, D. Christopher • Morrissey, Patrick • Neff, Susan G. • Schiminovich, David • Seibert, Mark • Small, Todd • Smith, Gene • Surace, Jason • Wyder, Ted K.

Abstract • We study dust attenuation and stellar mass of z~0.6 star-forming galaxies using new SWIRE observations in IR and GALEX observations in UV. Two samples are selected from the SWIRE and GALEX source catalogs in the SWIRE/GALEX field ELAIS-N1-00 (Ω=0.8 deg2). The UV-selected sample has 600 galaxies with photometric redshift (hereafter photo-z) 0.5<=z<=0.7 and NUV<=23.5 (corresponding to LFUV>=109.6 Lsolar). The IR-selected sample contains 430 galaxies with f24μm>=0.2 mJy (Ldust>=1010.8 Lsolar) in the same photo-z range. It is found that the mean Ldust/LFUV ratios of the z=0.6 UV galaxies are consistent with that of their z=0 counterparts of the same LFUV. For IR galaxies, the mean Ldust/LFUV ratios of the z=0.6 LIRGs (Ldust~1011 Lsolar) are about a factor of 2 lower than local LIRGs, whereas z=0.6 ULIRGs (Ldust~1012 Lsolar) have the same mean Ldust/LFUV ratios as their local counterparts. This is consistent with the hypothesis that the dominant component of LIRG population has changed from large, gas-rich spirals at z>0.5 to major mergers at z=0. The stellar mass of z=0.6 UV galaxies of LFUV<=1010.2 Lsolar is about a factor of 2 less than their local counterparts of the same luminosity, indicating growth of these galaxies. The mass of z=0.6 UV luminous galaxies (UVLGs: LFUV>1010.2 Lsolar) and IR-selected galaxies, which are nearly exclusively LIRGs and ULIRGs, is the same as their local counterparts.


IPAC Authors

Dave Shupe

Senior Scientist