
Erratum: ``The 1 < z < 5 Infrared Luminosity Function of Type I Quasars'' (ApJ, 638, 88 [2006])

March 2007 • 2007ApJ...657..641B

Authors • Brown, Michael J. I. • Brand, Kate • Dey, Arjun • Jannuzi, Buell T. • Cool, Richard • Le Floc'h, Emeric • Kochanek, Christopher S. • Armus, Lee • Bian, Chao • Higdon, Jim • Higdon, Sarah • Papovich, Casey • Rieke, George • Rieke, Marcia • Smith, J. D. • Soifer, B. T. • Weedman, Dan

Abstract • In our published paper, the first two entries in the ``Parameters'' column of Table 2 contain transcription errors; these parameters should read φ8(-26, 0) and φ8(-29, 2) rather than φ8(-24, 0) and φ8(-28, 2). A full correct version of Table 2 is given here. We thank Brian Siana for notifying us of this error.


IPAC Authors


Lee Armus

Senior Scientist