February 2005 • 2005PASP..117..121L
Abstract • Supernova (SN) 2004et is the eighth historical SN in the nearby spiral galaxy NGC 6946. Here we report on early photometric and spectroscopic monitoring of this object. SN 2004et is a Type II event, exhibiting a plateau in its light curves, but its spectral and color evolution appear to differ significantly from those of other, more normal Type II plateau (II-P) SNe. We have analyzed Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope images of the host galaxy taken prior to the SN explosion, identifying a candidate progenitor for the SN. The star's absolute magnitude and intrinsic color imply that it was a yellow, rather than red, supergiant star, with an estimated zero-age main-sequence mass of 15+5-2 Msolar. Although this mass estimate is consistent with estimates and upper limits for the progenitors of other, more normal SNe II-P, the SN 2004et progenitor's unusual color could further imply a preexplosion evolutionary history analogous to, but less extreme than, that for the progenitors of the peculiar Type II-P SN 1987A or the Type IIb SN 1993J. The identity of the progenitor candidate needs to be verified when the SN has significantly dimmed.
Based on data obtained at the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope.