
The Multiband Imaging Photometer for Spitzer (MIPS)

September 2004 • 2004ApJS..154...25R

Authors • Rieke, G. H. • Young, E. T. • Engelbracht, C. W. • Kelly, D. M. • Low, F. J. • Haller, E. E. • Beeman, J. W. • Gordon, K. D. • Stansberry, J. A. • Misselt, K. A. • Cadien, J. • Morrison, J. E. • Rivlis, G. • Latter, W. B. • Noriega-Crespo, A. • Padgett, D. L. • Stapelfeldt, K. R. • Hines, D. C. • Egami, E. • Muzerolle, J. • Alonso-Herrero, A. • Blaylock, M. • Dole, H. • Hinz, J. L. • Le Floc'h, E. • Papovich, C. • Pérez-González, P. G. • Smith, P. S. • Su, K. Y. L. • Bennett, L. • Frayer, D. T. • Henderson, D. • Lu, N. • Masci, F. • Pesenson, M. • Rebull, L. • Rho, J. • Keene, J. • Stolovy, S. • Wachter, S. • Wheaton, W. • Werner, M. W. • Richards, P. L.

Abstract • The Multiband Imaging Photometer for Spitzer (MIPS) provides long-wavelength capability for the mission in imaging bands at 24, 70, and 160 μm and measurements of spectral energy distributions between 52 and 100 μm at a spectral resolution of about 7%. By using true detector arrays in each band, it provides both critical sampling of the Spitzer point-spread function and relatively large imaging fields of view, allowing for substantial advances in sensitivity, angular resolution, and efficiency of areal coverage compared with previous space far-infrared capabilities. The 24 μm array has excellent photometric properties, and measurements with rms relative errors of about 1% can be obtained. The two longer-wavelength arrays use detectors with poor photometric stability, but a system of onboard stimulators used for relative calibration, combined with a unique data pipeline, produce good photometry with rms relative errors of less than 10%.


IPAC Authors


Luisa Rebull

Senior Research Scientist