
Joint X-Ray and Optical Measurements of the Mass Distribution of the Distant Galaxy Cluster Cl J0152.7-1357

March 2004 • 2004AJ....127.1263H

Authors • Huo, Zhi-Ying • Xue, Sui-Jian • Xu, Haiguang • Squires, Gordon • Rosati, Piero

Abstract • We present joint X-ray and optical observations of the high-redshift (z~=0.83) lensing cluster Cl J0152.7-1357 made with the Chandra X-Ray Observatory and the Keck telescope. We confirm the existence of significant substructure at both X-ray and optical wavelengths in the form of two distinct clumps, whose temperatures are 6.6+2.4-1.5 and 5.7+2.9-1.6 keV, respectively. The X-ray surface brightness profiles of the two clumps can be fitted by either a single β-model or an NFW-like profile, the latter giving better fits to the central regions. We find that the X-ray-derived mass of this cluster is in good agreement with independent lensing measurements. While its appearance indicates that the cluster has not reached a dynamical equilibrium state, its X-ray luminosity LX, temperature T, and dynamical mass M are consistent with the well-defined LX-T and M-T relations for low-redshift galaxy clusters, which suggests that the dynamical properties of the clusters have remained almost unchanged since z~0.8.


IPAC Authors


Gordon Squires

Senior Scientist