
BBN and CMB constraints on universal lepton asymmetry, quintessential inflation, and brane world cosmology

May 2003 • 2003NuPhA.719....1O

Authors • Orito, M. • Kajino, T. • Ichiki, K. • Yahiro, M. • Mathews, G. J. • Wang, Y.

Abstract • Recent progress in cosmological deep survey has clarified progressively the origin and distribution of matter and evolution of Galaxies in the Universe. The origin of the light elements in the Big-Bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) has been a topic of broad interest for its significance in constraining the dark matter component in the Universe, and also in seeking for the cosmological model which best fits the recent data of cosmic microwave background (CMB) fluctuations.


IPAC Authors


Yun Wang

Senior Scientist