
An Intrinsic Absorption Complex toward RX J1230.8+0115: Geometry and Photoionization Conditions

December 2003 • 2003ApJ...598..922G

Authors • Ganguly, Rajib • Masiero, Joseph • Charlton, Jane C. • Sembach, Kenneth R.

Abstract • We present Hubble Space Telescope/Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph and Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer spectra of the quasar RX J1230.8+0115 (V=14.4,z=0.117). In addition to Galactic, Virgo, and intervening absorption, this quasar is host to a remarkable intrinsic absorption complex. Four narrow absorption line systems, strong in C IV, N V, and O VI, lie within 5000 km s-1 of the QSO redshift. Three of the systems appear to be line locked, two in N V and two in O VI, with the common system residing in between the other two (in velocity). All three systems show signs of an intrinsic origin-smooth windlike profiles, high ionization, and partial coverage of the central engine. The fourth system, which appears at the systemic redshift of the QSO, may originate from host galaxy or intervening gas. Photoionization analyses imply column densities in the range 19.1<logN(H)<21 and ionization parameters in the range -1.3<logU<0.3. Revisiting the issue of line locking, we discuss a possible model in the context of the accretion disk/wind scenario and point out several issues that remain for future simulations and observations.


IPAC Authors


Joe Masiero

Associate Scientist