
Observations of DG Tauri with the Keck Interferometer

August 2003 • 2003ApJ...592L..83C

Authors • Colavita, M. • Akeson, R. • Wizinowich, P. • Shao, M. • Acton, S. • Beletic, J. • Bell, J. • Berlin, J. • Boden, A. • Booth, A. • Boutell, R. • Chaffee, F. • Chan, D. • Chock, J. • Cohen, R. • Crawford, S. • Creech-Eakman, M. • Eychaner, G. • Felizardo, C. • Gathright, J. • Hardy, G. • Henderson, H. • Herstein, J. • Hess, M. • Hovland, E. • Hrynevych, M. • Johnson, R. • Kelley, J. • Kendrick, R. • Koresko, C. • Kurpis, P. • Le Mignant, D. • Lewis, H. • Ligon, E. • Lupton, W. • McBride, D. • Mennesson, B. • Millan-Gabet, R. • Monnier, J. • Moore, J. • Nance, C. • Neyman, C. • Niessner, A. • Palmer, D. • Reder, L. • Rudeen, A. • Saloga, T. • Sargent, A. • Serabyn, E. • Smythe, R. • Stomski, P. • Summers, K. • Swain, M. • Swanson, P. • Thompson, R. • Tsubota, K. • Tumminello, A. • van Belle, G. • Vasisht, G. • Vause, J. • Walker, J. • Wallace, K. • Wehmeier, U.

Abstract • We present the first science results from the Keck Interferometer, a direct-detection infrared interferometer utilizing the two 10 m Keck telescopes. The instrument and system components are briefly described. We then present observations of the T Tauri object DG Tau, which is resolved by the interferometer. The resolved component has a radius of 0.12-0.24 AU, depending on the assumed stellar and extended component fluxes and the model geometry used. Possible origins and implications of the resolved emission are discussed.


IPAC Authors


Rachel Akeson

IPAC Deputy Director