June 2002 • 2002PhRvD..65l3504O
Abstract • We reanalyze the cosmological constraints on the existence of a net universal lepton asymmetry and neutrino degeneracy based upon the latest high resolution CMB sky maps from BOOMERANG, DASI, and MAXIMA-1. We generate likelihood functions by marginalizing over (Ωbh2,ξνμ,τ,ξνe,ΩΛ,h,n) plus the calibration uncertainties. We consider flat ΩM+ΩΛ=1 cosmological models with two identical degenerate neutrino species, ξνμ,τ≡\|ξνμ\|=\|ξντ\| and a small ξνe. We assign weak top-hat priors on the electron-neutrino degeneracy parameter ξνe and Ωbh2 based upon allowed values consistent with the nucleosynthesis constraints as a function of ξνμ,τ. The change in the background neutrino temperature with degeneracy is also explicitly included, and Gaussian priors for h=0.72+/-0.08 and the experimental calibration uncertainties are adopted. The marginalized likelihood functions show a slight (0.5σ) preference for neutrino degeneracy. Optimum values with two equally degenerate μ and τ neutrinos imply ξνμ,τ=1.0+0.8(1σ)-1.0(0.5σ), from which we deduce ξνe=0.09+0.15-0.09, and Ωbh2=0.021+0.06-0.002. The 2σ upper limit becomes ξνμ,τ<=2.1, which implies ξνe<=0.30, and Ωbh2<=0.030. For only a single large-degeneracy species the optimal value is \|ξνμ\| or \|ξντ\|=1.4 with a 2σ upper limit of \|ξνμ\| or \|ξντ\|<=2.5.