
Wide-Field Imaging of Hubble Deep Field-South Region. I. Quasar Candidates

September 2000 • 2000ApJ...541...61P

Authors • Palunas, Povilas • Collins, Nicholas R. • Gardner, Jonathan P. • Hill, Robert S. • Malumuth, Eliot M. • Smette, Alain • Teplitz, Harry I. • Williger, Gerard M. • Woodgate, Bruce E.

Abstract • We present candidate quasars from a multicolor (uBVRI+narrowband) imaging survey of 1/2 square degree around the Hubble Deep Field-South (HDF-S). We identify 154 candidate quasars with B<23 using color selection, consistent with previously measured QSO number counts if we assume a 60% selection efficiency. The narrowband filter (NB) was centered at 3958 Å to detect Lyα at the redshift of J2233-6033, the HDF-S QSO. We confirm the presence of Lyα nebulosity extending ~12" around the HDF-S QSO, reported by Bergeron and coworkers. We detect 10 pointlike objects in emission through the NB filter. Of these, seven satisfy our QSO color selection criteria. One of the emission-line objects is a B~20 radio-quiet quasar at z=1.56, 6.7‧ from the line of sight to the HDF-S QSO and ~12" from the western edge of the WFPC2 deep field. Based on observations obtained at Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory, a division of the National Optical Astronomy Observatories, which is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under cooperative agreement with the National Science Foundation.


IPAC Authors


Harry Teplitz

Senior Scientist