
Fast and accurate algorithm for computing tensor CBR anisotropy

May 1996 • 1996PhRvD..53.5727T

Authors • Turner, Michael S. • Wang, Yun

Abstract • Inflation gives rise to a nearly scale-invariant spectrum of tensor perturbations (gravitational waves); their contribution to the cosmic background radiation (CBR) anisotropy depends upon the present cosmological parameters as well as inflationary parameters. The analysis of a sampling-variance-limited CBR map offers the most promising means of detecting tensor perturbations, but will require evaluation of the predicted multipole spectrum for a very large number of cosmological parameter sets. We present accurate polynomial formulas for computing the predicted variance of the multipole moments in terms of the cosmological parameters ΩΛ, Ω0h2, Ω2Bh, Nν, and the power-law index nT which are accurate to about 1% for l<=50 and to better than 3% for 50<l<=100 (as compared to the numerical results of a Boltzmann code).


IPAC Authors


Yun Wang

Senior Scientist