April 1995 • 1995ApJ...443L..77H
Abstract • We report the radio detection of the Type II supernova SN 1968D in the nearby spiral galaxy NGC 6946 from continuum observations at 6 and 21 cm using the Very Large Array. This radio detection is ~26 yr after its optical discovery. SN 1968D is only the fourth "intermediate-age" SN ever recovered in the radio. The current flux densities of this supernova at these wavelengths are consistent with the extrapolated radio behavior of another Type II supernova in this galaxy, the well-studied supernova SN 1980K. It is therefore likely that the radio emission from SN 1968D arises from the same mechanism as for SN 1980K and other known radio supernovae, i.e., interaction of the supernova shock with preexisting circumstellar matter.