
Near-Infrared Observations of FSC 15307+3252

October 1994 • 1994ApJ...433L..69S

Authors • Soifer, B. T. • Neugebauer, G. • Matthews, K. • Armus, L.

Abstract • Near-infrared observations of the infrared luminous galaxy FSC 15307 + 3252 are reported. Imaging shows that there is at least one, and possibly more, companion sources within 1.5". Near-infrared spectra show the lines of a low-redshift Seyfert 2 galaxy in the visible, and the line ratios are characteristic of narrow-line AGNs. We conclude that FSC 15307 + 3252 represents an extension of the infrared bright systems to higher luminosities.


IPAC Authors


Lee Armus

Senior Scientist