January 1993 • 1993PASP..105..106C
Abstract • In this paper we present a method to calibrate surface photometry of faint sources measured from direct photographic plates such as those of the NGS/POSS and ESO/SRC Sky Survey. This calibration procedure does not require scanning sensitometer spots on the plates, but instead uses measurements of the brightness profiles of many faint stars of known brightness to fit a linearized approximation to the characteristic curve. The approximation is valid for only low to medium density emulsions, so this technique is appropriate only for relatively faint emission. Comparision between measurements of representative extended sources on the NGS/POSS and CCD images indicates that surface photometry can be obtained from the Sky Survey plates accurate to 0.1-0.3 mag in the range of 23<mu_B<27 and 22<mu_B<26 mag arcsec^-2. Although this procedure was developed using the NOAO PDS/Monet scanning engine, it can be adapted for images of any direct photographic plates digitized with any electronic camera or microdenistometer. (SECTION: Instrumentation and Data Analysis)