
HST Imaging of the Inner 3 Arcseconds of NGC 1068 in the Light of [O iii] lambda 5007

March 1991 • 1991ApJ...369L..27E

Authors • Evans, I. N. • Ford, H. C. • Kinney, A. L. • Antonucci, R. R. J. • Armus, L. • Caganoff, S.

Abstract • We have used the Planetary Camera on board the Hubble Space Telescope to obtain a high spatial resolution [O III] λ5007 image of the nucleus of NGC 1068. This image resolves the narrow-line region into several distinct clouds arranged in an apparently conical geometry. The individual emission-line regions appear to be resolved, with sizes ~0.1" -0.2" (~6-12h pc; H_0_ = 100h^-1^ km s^-1^ Mpc^-1^). There is a strong apparent correspondence between the 1.3 cm radio "triple" structure and several of the [O III] λ5007 clouds, although there are also bright emission-line clouds for which there are no radio counterparts. Based on the combined [O III] λ5007 and radio continuum morphology, we conclude that the hidden nucleus is located in the southern radio component, together with the H_2_O megamaser.


IPAC Authors


Lee Armus

Senior Scientist