March 1990 • 1990ApJ...352..149H
Abstract • High spatial resolution H I measurements of a high-latitude FIR cirrus cloud (l = 9 deg, b = 51 deg) were obtained with the Arecibo 310 m telescope. The cloud is well isolated spatially and has a velocity well-separated from other H I clouds, providing an ideal laboratory for studying diffuse interstellar clouds. The Iv(100)/N(H) and Iv(60)/Iv(100) ratios are consistent with the Draine and Anderson model which includes a distribution of grain sizes down to 3 A. The small grains undergo transient heating and affect the 60 micron FIR continuum emission. Current models, however, underpredict Iv(12)/Iv(100) and Iv(25)/Iv(100) by more than a factor of 2. The effects small grains have on the thermal equilibrium of diffuse interstellar clouds are discussed.