January 1989 • 1989ApJS...69...65H
Abstract • We report H I observations of 141 spiral galaxies in and around the Virgo Cluster, with major-axis mapping for 65 of them. This completes the sample of galaxies with Arecibo major-axis mapping to B_T_ <= 14.0 and extends Arecibo observations with at least a central beam to all spiral galaxies considered "member" or "possible member" in the Virgo Cluster Catalog. All but three spirals (Sab through Sd) were detected. For all detected galaxies, we give heliocentric velocities, profile widths, and H I fluxes. For mapped galaxies we also give spin orientations and, for those sufficiently resolved by the 3.2' beam, H I diameters. Mapped galaxy spectra are shown as contour plots of position versus velocity; for the remainder we show central beam spectra. In a previous paper these data have served as a comparison sample for an analysis of dwarf irregular galaxies. Here we briefly analyze the distributions of spin orientations; they are essentially random. Finally, we present the distributions of H I luminosity and indicative dynamical mass for the spirals and a synthesized H I distribution for the cluster as a whole. The last will serve as a template against which future observations of clusters, distant enough for a substantial fraction of their member galaxies to fall within a single beam, may be measured.