March 1988 • 1988ApJ...326L..45A
Abstract • Spectra covering the wavelength range 4476-7610A are presented for the powerful far-infrared galaxy IRAS 01003-2238. We interpret the broad emission band centered at a rest wavelength of λ ~ 4660A, and other broad weaker features, as arising from the combined effect of approximately 10^5^ late Wolf-Rayet stars of the WN subtype. This represents perhaps the most direct evidence to date for the presence of a large number of hot massive stars in the nucleus of a very powerful far-infrared galaxy (L_FIR_ ~ 7 x 10^11^ L_sun_, L_FIR_/L_B_ ~ 67). The high number of Wolf-Rayet stars in relation to the number of O-type stars (inferred from the flux ratio of the 4660A and Hβ features) may be interpreted as arguing against continuous steady state star formation in 01003-2238, in favor of a recent burst of star formation occurring approximately 10^7^ yr ago.