June 1988 • 1988A&A...199...41V
Abstract • We mapped the distribution of H I gas in and around the S0 galaxy NGC 4026 and the nearby low-luminosity spirals UGC 6917, 6922 and 6956 in the 21-cm H I line with a spatial resolution of 25" x 32" (α x δ) and a velocity resolution of 20 km s^-1^. No H I was detected in the S0 galaxy. The H I distribution and kinematics of the three spirals show no evidence of tidal interaction. We detected a ~40 kpc long filament of H I near the S0, which contains 2 10^8^ M_sun_ of H I. We also mapped the H I distribution in the interacting Sab/S0 galaxy pair NGC 6500/6501 with a spatial resolution of 13" x 39" (α x δ) and a velocity resolution of 40 km s^-1^. We found a (kinematically) disturbed H I distribution in the Sab galaxy NGC 6500. with an H I filament curving towards the S0 galaxy, in which no H I gas was detected. The observations are consistent with a capture scenario, in which gas-rich S0 galaxies have formed through the accretion of gas from a nearby galaxy.