
IRAS Serendipitous Survey Observations of Pluto and Charon

September 1987 • 1987Sci...237.1336S

Authors • Sykes, Mark V. • Cutri, Roc M. • Lebofsky, Larry A. • Binzel, Richard P.

Abstract • On 16 August 1983 the Infrared Astronomical Satellite made two separate pointed observations of Pluto and its moon Charon. Because of the small angular displacement of the system between the times of measurement, the Pluto-Charon system was identified as a source in the Serendipitous Survey (SSC 14029+0518). Detections were made at 60 and 100 micrometers with color-corrected flux densities of 581 ± 58 and 721 ± 123 millijanskys, respectively. Pluto is best described as having a dark equatorial band, and brighter polar caps of methane ice extending to ± 45 degrees latitude, at most. An upper limit of approximately 9 meter-amagats is placed on the column abundance of a methane atmosphere on Pluto, which is comparable to recent upper limits based on independent ground-based spectroscopy.


IPAC Authors

Roc Cutri

IPAC Deputy Director